Me and my buddy Baz headed to the Peak District to capture the last of the autumnal colours before they were gone and what a day we had! The autumnal colours were out of this world, phenomenal in fact. I packed my Bronica ETRSI but I also took my digital camera (Canon 5d mk3) as a lot of rain was forecast. I was very interested in capturing these beautiful reds, oranges and yellow colours on a roll of Kodak Ektar 100.

Those colours just look incredible. Captured on medium format Kodak Ektar film using my Bronica ETRSI.

After the first stop we headed to a ‘U bend’ in the road that we drove through a mile or so back. It was quite dark in the bottom but the trees still had so much colour, they were a bit more sheltered down in the dip from the wind. The reds and oranges were jaw droopingly gorgeous!

A behind the scenes shot doesn’t do the scene any justice really…

After this shot we headed along the road until we got to another area of outstanding beauty. The colours were glorious. We got out of the car and noticed there was a stream, we grabbed some shots before heading home.

It was raining when I took this shot, in fact it started raining quite heavy and I was sheltering the Bronica under my umbrella best I could. I took a few more shots to finish off my roll of Kodak Ektar.

Kodak Ektar really does help capture those colours and the Bronica is so sharp.
I loved capturing autumn colours in the Peak District with Kodak Ektar and my Bronica ETRSI. The reds, oranges and yellows look truly amazing on film
What a great day we had. Id love to hear your thoughts or comments.